BUILT Women Who Lead Book Club!
Sun, Mar 10
Women who lead!

Time & Location
Mar 10, 2024, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Raleigh, Raleigh, NC, USA
About the Event
Join our book club if you are a woman seeking both personal (spiritual) and professional development!
Facilitated by Prophetess Tanika Martin, thie experience is sure to build you, while also creating an intimate space for building connections with like-minded people!
Mark the 2nd Sunday in March, June. September, and December as SAVED for this gathering!
If you'd like to join and also know women who'd like to join, register at bit.ly/BUILTBOOKCLUB with your $10 donation (provided each meeting) to support snacks and drinks which will be provided.
You will receive more information on the chosen book, location in the Triangle area, and any other pertinent info.
Use this zoom link for the March meeting!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 9930 5473
Passcode: TPSBUILT
I love book clubs!
Pay what you wantSale ended